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Type of use | Guy rope Mastrant | Notes |
Wire antenna suspension | P 2 to 3 | conventional wire antennas |
Wire antenna suspension (high tension) | P 4 | heavy wire, 160 m band, etc. |
Vertical antenna up to 60ft [abt. 20m] - mast 1 to 2" diam. [abt. 25-50mm] | P 3 to 4 M 2 to 3 |
guyed at 2 or 3 levels |
Vertical antenna up to 120ft [abt. 40m] - mast 1 to 4" diam. [abt. 25-100mm] | P 4 to 5 M 3 to 4 |
guyed at 3 to 5 levels |
Mast up to 30ft [abt. 10m] with 3 el. tribander or long VHF Yagi - mast 2 to 3" diam. [abt. 25-75mm] | P 4 to 6 M 3 to 5 |
guyed at 2 or 3 levels |
Mast up to 60ft [abt. 20m] with 5 el. Yagi for 20m - mast 2 to 4" diam. [abt. 50-100mm] | P 6 to 10 M 4 to 6 |
guyed at 3 to 5 levels |
Lattice tower up to 60ft [abt. 20m] with 7 el. tribander | P 8 to 12 M 6 to 10 |
guyed at 2 or 3 levels, Rohn 25G or similar |
Lattice tower up to 200ft [abt. 60m] with 3 stack of 5 el. Yagi for 20m | P 12 to 14 M 8 to 12 |
guyed at 3 to 6 levels, Rohn 45G or similar |
(Condiciones: la velocidad del viento hasta 160 km/h, la distancia del punto de anclaje en el suelo desde el pie del mástil > 70% de la altura del mástil, estamos dispuestos a ayudar con cualquierde sus proyectos)