MASTRANT-S ist ein neues Produkt in der Kategorie Mastrant Classic. Es handelt sich um Mastrant-Q, das mit einem hochreflektierenden Band in der Hülle ausgestattet ist.
Mastrant-Q ist ein Abspannseil, das für Abspannungen im Hinblick auf ein maximales Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis optimiert wurde. Dieses
WeiterlesenArtikel-Nr. | Länge [m] | Gewicht [g] | Dimensionen [BxTxH mm] | Lagerstatus | Preis | |
1 m |
29 | 25 x 250 x 6 |
999 m i
Lager |
1,49 €(1,23 € ex.MwSt) |
50 m |
1800 | 170 x 170 x 150 |
8 Stck i
Lager |
62,00 €(51,24 € ex.MwSt) |
100 m |
3100 | 170 x 170 x 200 |
16 Stck i
Lager |
124,00 €(102,48 € ex.MwSt) |
MASTRANT-S ist ein neues Produkt in der Kategorie Mastrant Classic. Es handelt sich um Mastrant-Q, das mit einem hochreflektierenden Band in der Hülle ausgestattet ist.
Mastrant-Q ist ein Abspannseil, das für Abspannungen im Hinblick auf ein maximales Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis optimiert wurde. Dieses ausgezeichnete Seil bietet sehr gute Festigkeit, geringe Dehnung, hohe UV- und Feuchtigkeitsbeständigkeit. Es hat ein geringes Gewicht, eine hohe Abriebfestigkeit, eine lange Lebensdauer und ist nicht leitend (keinerlei Auswirkungen auf Ihre Antenne). Außerdem hat es im Gegensatz zu Seilen aus Aramidfasern (Kevlar, Vectran, Technora, Twaron) eine Knotenfestigkeit von etwa 60 %.
Aufbau: Geflochtenes Seil mit gedrehten Adern
Kern: Polyester & Polypropylen, parallel angeordnete gedrehte Einlagen
Äußere Ummantelung: Polyester & reflektierendes Band
Wenn Ihr Interesse am Hobby wächst, werden Sie andere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für das überschüssige Seil finden, z.B. eine andere Antenne ausprobieren oder es an ein anderes Clubmitglied weitergeben? Einige von uns verwenden ihre überschüssigen Seile ständig und sind froh, sie zu haben - sie spleißen immer wieder Abschnitte zusammen :)
Wie wählt man ein geeignetes Seil aus? Siehe hier.
Eine Vergleichstabelle aller Seile finden Sie hier.
Review in RadCom 2020-09
Dieser Artikel unterliegt dem Copyright der Radio Society of Great Britain und wird mit deren freundlicher Genehmigung wiedergegeben.
stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 5800 [product_parent_id] => 5798 [product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive: 100 m [product_description] =>MASTRANT-S ist ein neues Produkt in der Kategorie Mastrant Classic. Es handelt sich um Mastrant-Q, das mit einem hochreflektierenden Band in der Hülle ausgestattet ist.
Mastrant-Q ist ein Abspannseil, das für Abspannungen im Hinblick auf ein maximales Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis optimiert wurde. Dieses ausgezeichnete Seil bietet sehr gute Festigkeit, geringe Dehnung, hohe UV- und Feuchtigkeitsbeständigkeit. Es hat ein geringes Gewicht, eine hohe Abriebfestigkeit, eine lange Lebensdauer und ist nicht leitend (keinerlei Auswirkungen auf Ihre Antenne). Außerdem hat es im Gegensatz zu Seilen aus Aramidfasern (Kevlar, Vectran, Technora, Twaron) eine Knotenfestigkeit von etwa 60 %.
Aufbau: Geflochtenes Seil mit gedrehten Adern
Kern: Polyester & Polypropylen, parallel angeordnete gedrehte Einlagen
Äußere Ummantelung: Polyester & reflektierendes BandWenn Ihr Interesse am Hobby wächst, werden Sie andere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für das überschüssige Seil finden, z.B. eine andere Antenne ausprobieren oder es an ein anderes Clubmitglied weitergeben? Einige von uns verwenden ihre überschüssigen Seile ständig und sind froh, sie zu haben - sie spleißen immer wieder Abschnitte zusammen :)
Wie wählt man ein geeignetes Seil aus? Siehe hier.
Eine Vergleichstabelle aller Seile finden Sie hier.
[product_quantity] => -1 [product_code] => MS06100 [product_published] => 1 [product_hit] => 22543 [product_created] => 1576848740 [product_sale_start] => 0 [product_sale_end] => 0 [product_delay_id] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 11 [product_type] => variant [product_vendor_id] => 0 [product_manufacturer_id] => 0 [product_url] => [product_weight] => 3100.000 [product_keywords] => [product_weight_unit] => g [product_modified] => 1716447800 [product_meta_description] => [product_dimension_unit] => mm [product_width] => 170.000 [product_length] => 170.000 [product_height] => 200.000 [product_max_per_order] => 0 [product_access] => all [product_group_after_purchase] => [product_min_per_order] => 0 [product_contact] => 0 [product_display_quantity_field] => 0 [product_last_seen_date] => 1741529859 [product_sales] => 12 [product_waitlist] => 0 [product_layout] => [product_average_score] => 0 [product_total_vote] => 0 [product_page_title] => [product_alias] => seil-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflektive 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[mall_protective_equipment] => [product_quantity_real] => 16 [ks_box] => [ean] => [shopping_quantity_unit] => [product_quantity_real_log] => 2025-03-04 09:08:41 [stock level import]: 16 2025-02-17 12:20:33 [stock level import]: 17 2025-02-03 12:17:44 [stock level import]: 17 2025-01-09 15:25:51 [stock level import]: 17 2024-12-06 14:17:27 [stock level import]: 17 2024-10-31 19:22:12 [stock level import]: 17 2024-10-18 14:54:38 [stock level import]: 17 2024-09-25 12:28:29 [stock level import]: 17 2024-09-19 21:36:11 [stock level import]: 18 2024-09-06 11:57:59 [stock level import]: 18 2024-09-05 15:16:08 [stock level import]: 18 2024-08-27 13:54:57 [stock level import]: 17 2024-08-24 10:50:36: -1 2024-08-13 14:46:59 [stock level import]: 18 2024-08-09 10:30:50 [stock level import]: 18 2024-07-31 10:10:00 [stock level import]: 18 2024-07-18 23:03:52 [stock level import]: 18 2024-07-07 20:57:25 [stock level import]: 18 2024-04-24 15:05:59: +1 2024-04-23 15:23:35: -1 2024-03-28 12:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2024-03-17 10:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2024-02-14 03:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2024-02-07 00:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2024-01-19 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2023-12-27 17:28:42 [stock level import]: 18 2023-12-12 11:07:04 [stock level import]: 18 2023-11-10 11:07:24 [stock level import]: 18 2023-11-08 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2023-10-30 16:45:14 [stock level import]: 23 2023-10-06 14:08:31 [stock level import]: 23 2023-09-27 12:31:29 [stock level import]: 25 2023-09-20 23:41:54: -1 2023-09-20 11:45:42 [stock level import]: 25 2023-09-05 12:50:38 [stock level import]: 25 2023-08-03 05:10:02 [stock level import]: 11 2023-08-01 04:10:02 [stock level import]: 11 2023-07-26 09:49:45 [stock level import]: 11 2023-06-28 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 11 2023-06-09 09:13:54 [stock level import]: 11 2023-05-26 12:45:58 [stock level import]: 11 2023-05-19 16:43:19: -1 2023-05-13 08:10:01 [stock level import]: 11 2023-04-28 12:12:59 [stock level import]: 11 2023-04-24 16:17:52 [stock level import]: 11 2023-04-14 21:10:02 [stock level import]: 11 2023-02-16 18:36:58 [stock level import]: 11 2023-02-01 18:11:47 [stock level import]: 11 2023-01-26 15:49:33 [stock level import]: 11 2023-01-24 17:04:19 [stock level import]: 11 2023-01-23 11:17:36: -2 2022-12-18 17:41:02 [stock level import]: 23 2022-11-04 19:54:54 [stock level import]: 24 2022-10-26 12:29:06 [stock level import]: 24 2022-10-06 16:10:02 [stock level import]: 24 2022-09-02 15:01:59 [stock level import]: 24 2022-08-23 10:08:21 [stock level import]: 24 2022-07-29 14:10:40 [stock level import]: 24 2022-07-21 19:10:02 [stock level import]: 4 2022-07-01 11:54:14 [stock level import]: 4 2022-06-07 15:41:45 [stock level import]: 4 2022-04-13 10:21:06: +1 2022-04-13 10:15:33: -1 [custom_product_message] => 0 [gift_offered_in] => [is_sale_product] => 0 [product_category_id] => 12356 [category_id] => 72 [ordering] => 5 [alias] => seil-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflektive [options] => Array ( ) [bundles] => Array ( ) [variants] => Array ( [0001+5799] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 5799 [product_parent_id] => 5798 [product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive: 1 m [product_description] => [product_quantity] => -1 [product_code] => MS06001 [product_published] => 1 [product_hit] => 0 [product_created] => 1576848719 [product_sale_start] => 0 [product_sale_end] => 0 [product_delay_id] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 11 [product_type] => variant [product_vendor_id] => 0 [product_manufacturer_id] => 0 [product_url] => [product_weight] => 29.000 [product_keywords] => [product_weight_unit] => g [product_modified] => 1646746192 [product_meta_description] => [product_dimension_unit] => mm [product_width] => 25.000 [product_length] => 250.000 [product_height] => 6.000 [product_max_per_order] => 0 [product_access] => all [product_group_after_purchase] => [product_min_per_order] => 0 [product_contact] => 0 [product_display_quantity_field] => 0 [product_last_seen_date] => 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[stock level import]: 999 2024-05-18 21:13:02: -4 2024-03-28 12:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2024-03-17 10:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2024-02-14 03:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2024-02-07 00:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2024-01-19 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2023-12-27 17:28:42 [stock level import]: 999 2023-12-12 11:07:04 [stock level import]: 999 2023-11-10 11:07:24 [stock level import]: 999 2023-11-08 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2023-10-30 16:45:14 [stock level import]: 999 2023-10-06 14:08:31 [stock level import]: 999 2023-09-30 21:55:21: -15 2023-09-27 12:31:29 [stock level import]: 999 2023-09-20 11:45:42 [stock level import]: 999 2023-09-05 12:50:38 [stock level import]: 999 2023-08-03 05:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2023-08-01 04:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2023-07-26 09:49:45 [stock level import]: 999 2023-06-28 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2023-06-09 09:13:54 [stock level import]: 999 2023-05-26 12:45:58 [stock level import]: 999 2023-05-14 12:57:19: -12 2023-05-13 08:10:01 [stock level import]: 999 2023-04-28 12:12:59 [stock level import]: 999 2023-04-24 16:17:52 [stock level import]: 999 2023-04-14 21:10:02 [stock level import]: 999 2023-02-16 18:36:58 [stock level import]: 100 2023-02-01 18:11:47 [stock level import]: 100 2023-01-26 15:49:33 [stock level import]: 100 2023-01-24 17:04:19 [stock level import]: 100 2022-12-18 17:41:02 [stock level import]: 100 2022-11-04 19:54:54 [stock level import]: 100 2022-10-26 12:29:06 [stock level import]: 100 2022-10-06 16:10:02 [stock level import]: 100 2022-09-02 15:01:59 [stock level import]: 100 2022-08-23 10:08:21 [stock level import]: 100 2022-07-29 14:10:40 [stock level import]: 100 2022-07-21 19:10:02 [stock level import]: 100 2022-07-01 11:54:14 [stock level import]: 100 2022-06-07 15:41:45 [stock level import]: 100 2022-05-21 22:29:33: -21 [custom_product_message] => 1 [gift_offered_in] => [is_sale_product] => 0 [characteristics] => Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 12 [variant_product_id] => 5799 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 12 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 1 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 1 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [price_id] => 35710 [price_currency_id] => 1 [price_product_id] => 5799 [price_value] => 1.23140 [price_min_quantity] => 0 [price_access] => all [price_site_id] => [price_users] => [price_start_date] => 0 [price_end_date] => 0 [price_value_with_tax] => 1.49 [taxes_added] => 1 [taxes] => Array ( [0000_00000003] => stdClass Object ( [taxation_id] => 3 [zone_namekey] => Array ( [0] => country_Czech_Republic_56 ) [category_namekey] => default_tax [tax_namekey] => DPH [taxation_published] => 1 [taxation_type] => [taxation_access] => all [taxation_cumulative] => 0 [taxation_post_code] => [taxation_date_start] => 0 [taxation_date_end] => 0 [taxation_internal_code] => [taxation_note] => [taxation_site_id] => [taxation_ordering] => 0 [tax_rate] => 0.21000 [zone_type] => country [tax_ratio] => 1 [tax_amount] => 0.26 [amount] => 1.23 ) ) ) ) [main_product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [main_product_quantity_layout] => [characteristics_text] => 1 m [variant_name] => [images] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2788 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 0 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2787 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-dark-3 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-dark-3.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 1 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2795 [file_name] => ms06_installed-on-mast [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => ms06_installed-on-mast.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 2 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) ) [variant_checked] => 1 [main] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 5798 [product_parent_id] => 0 [product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [product_description] =>
Review in RadCom 2020-09
Dieser Artikel unterliegt dem Copyright der Radio Society of Great Britain und wird mit deren freundlicher Genehmigung wiedergegeben.MASTRANT-S ist ein neues Produkt in der Kategorie Mastrant Classic. Es handelt sich um Mastrant-Q, das mit einem hochreflektierenden Band in der Hülle ausgestattet ist.
Mastrant-Q ist ein Abspannseil, das für Abspannungen im Hinblick auf ein maximales Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis optimiert wurde. Dieses ausgezeichnete Seil bietet sehr gute Festigkeit, geringe Dehnung, hohe UV- und Feuchtigkeitsbeständigkeit. Es hat ein geringes Gewicht, eine hohe Abriebfestigkeit, eine lange Lebensdauer und ist nicht leitend (keinerlei Auswirkungen auf Ihre Antenne). Außerdem hat es im Gegensatz zu Seilen aus Aramidfasern (Kevlar, Vectran, Technora, Twaron) eine Knotenfestigkeit von etwa 60 %.
Aufbau: Geflochtenes Seil mit gedrehten Adern
Kern: Polyester & Polypropylen, parallel angeordnete gedrehte Einlagen
Äußere Ummantelung: Polyester & reflektierendes BandWenn Ihr Interesse am Hobby wächst, werden Sie andere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für das überschüssige Seil finden, z.B. eine andere Antenne ausprobieren oder es an ein anderes Clubmitglied weitergeben? Einige von uns verwenden ihre überschüssigen Seile ständig und sind froh, sie zu haben - sie spleißen immer wieder Abschnitte zusammen :)
Wie wählt man ein geeignetes Seil aus? Siehe hier.
Eine Vergleichstabelle aller Seile finden Sie hier.
[product_quantity] => -1 [product_code] => MS06___ [product_published] => 1 [product_hit] => 22543 [product_created] => 1576847365 [product_sale_start] => 0 [product_sale_end] => 0 [product_delay_id] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 11 [product_type] => main [product_vendor_id] => 0 [product_manufacturer_id] => 0 [product_url] => [product_weight] => 0.000 [product_keywords] => [product_weight_unit] => g [product_modified] => 1730901942 [product_meta_description] => [product_dimension_unit] => mm [product_width] => 0.000 [product_length] => 0.000 [product_height] => 0.000 [product_max_per_order] => 0 [product_access] => all [product_group_after_purchase] => [product_min_per_order] => 0 [product_contact] => 0 [product_display_quantity_field] => 0 [product_last_seen_date] => 1741529859 [product_sales] => 129 [product_waitlist] => 0 [product_layout] => [product_average_score] => 0 [product_total_vote] => 0 [product_page_title] => [product_alias] => seil-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflektive [product_price_percentage] => 0.0000000 [product_msrp] => 0.0000000 [product_canonical] => /on-line-shop/product/5798-guyrope-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflective [product_warehouse_id] => 0 [product_quantity_layout] => [strength] => 730 [safe_working_load] => 220 [elongation] => 3.2 [weight_unit] => 29 [warranty] => 24 [delivery_time] => 80 [diameter] => 6.1 [related_to_variant] => ATH06;ADC06;APC06;AWC06;AHO08;ACC06;ASE06;ASHE08;ASHF06;ASHH10;ZCI01 [envelope_packaging] => 1 [product_sort_price] => 95.04132 [product_description_raw] => [product_description_type] => [product_option_method] => [product_condition] => [usa_product_link] => [shrot_product_name] => [short_product_name] => S [diameter_inch] => 1/4 [size_mm] => 6 [exclude_product_from_table_list] => 0 [remark] => gray, reflective [mall_stage] => live [mall_published] => 1 [mall_category] => ND431 [mall_product_quantity] => [mall_label] => [mall_product_name] => [mall_nd428_type] => [mall_rope_accessor_type] => [mall_protective_equipment] => [product_quantity_real] => 1025 [ks_box] => [ean] => [shopping_quantity_unit] => [product_quantity_real_log] => 2025-03-04 09:08:41 [stock level import]: 1025 2025-02-17 12:20:33 [stock level import]: 1027 2025-02-03 12:17:44 [stock level import]: 1027 2025-01-10 19:10:05: -10 2025-01-09 15:25:51 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-12-06 14:17:27 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-10-31 19:22:12 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-10-18 14:54:38 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-09-25 12:28:29 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-09-22 13:44:51: +1 2024-09-22 13:23:29: -1 2024-09-22 13:20:29: -1 2024-09-19 21:36:11 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-09-06 11:57:59 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-09-05 15:16:08 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-08-27 13:54:57 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-08-24 10:50:36: -1 2024-08-13 14:46:59 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-08-09 10:30:50 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-31 10:10:00 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-18 23:03:52 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-07 20:57:25 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-05-23 09:03:20 [stock level change]: 1023 -> [custom_product_message] => 0 [gift_offered_in] => [is_sale_product] => 0 [characteristics] => Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 1 [variant_product_id] => 5798 [ordering] => 1 [characteristic_id] => 1 [characteristic_parent_id] => 0 [characteristic_value] => Länge [m] [characteristic_alias] => variant_length [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 0 [characteristic_display_method] => dropdown [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 [default] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5798 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [values] => Array ( [12] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 12 [variant_product_id] => 5799 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 12 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 1 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 1 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [135] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 135 [variant_product_id] => 5826 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 135 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 50 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 50 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5800 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) ) ) ) [prices] => Array ( ) [main_product_name] => [main_product_quantity_layout] => [characteristics_text] => [variant_name] => [images] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2788 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 0 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2787 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-dark-3 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-dark-3.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 1 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2795 [file_name] => ms06_installed-on-mast [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => ms06_installed-on-mast.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 2 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) ) [variant_checked] => ) [badges] => ) [0050+5826] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 5826 [product_parent_id] => 5798 [product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive: 50 m [product_description] => [product_quantity] => -1 [product_code] => MS06050 [product_published] => 1 [product_hit] => 0 [product_created] => 1597072034 [product_sale_start] => 0 [product_sale_end] => 0 [product_delay_id] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 11 [product_type] => variant [product_vendor_id] => 0 [product_manufacturer_id] => 0 [product_url] => [product_weight] => 1800.000 [product_keywords] => [product_weight_unit] => g [product_modified] => 1646746202 [product_meta_description] => [product_dimension_unit] => m [product_width] => 170.000 [product_length] => 170.000 [product_height] => 150.000 [product_max_per_order] => 0 [product_access] => all [product_group_after_purchase] => [product_min_per_order] => 0 [product_contact] => 0 [product_display_quantity_field] => 0 [product_last_seen_date] => 0 [product_sales] => 3 [product_waitlist] => 0 [product_layout] => [product_average_score] => 0 [product_total_vote] => 0 [product_page_title] => [product_alias] => seil-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflektive [product_price_percentage] => 0.0000000 [product_msrp] => 0.0000000 [product_canonical] => /on-line-shop/product/5798-guyrope-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflective [product_warehouse_id] => 0 [product_quantity_layout] => [strength] => [safe_working_load] => [elongation] => [weight_unit] => [warranty] => [delivery_time] => 80 [diameter] => [related_to_variant] => [envelope_packaging] => [product_sort_price] => 40.90909 [product_description_raw] => [product_description_type] => [product_option_method] => [product_condition] => [usa_product_link] => [shrot_product_name] => [short_product_name] => [diameter_inch] => [size_mm] => [exclude_product_from_table_list] => 0 [remark] => [mall_stage] => live [mall_published] => 1 [mall_category] => ND431 [mall_product_quantity] => [mall_label] => [mall_product_name] => [mall_nd428_type] => [mall_rope_accessor_type] => [mall_protective_equipment] => [product_quantity_real] => 8 [ks_box] => [ean] => [shopping_quantity_unit] => [product_quantity_real_log] => 2025-03-04 09:08:41 [stock level import]: 8 2025-02-17 12:20:33 [stock level import]: 9 2025-02-03 12:17:44 [stock level import]: 9 2025-01-09 15:25:51 [stock level import]: 9 2024-12-06 14:17:27 [stock level import]: 9 2024-10-31 19:22:12 [stock level import]: 9 2024-10-18 14:54:38 [stock level import]: 9 2024-09-25 12:28:29 [stock level import]: 9 2024-09-22 13:44:51: +1 2024-09-22 13:23:29: -1 2024-09-22 13:20:29: -1 2024-09-19 21:36:11 [stock level import]: 9 2024-09-06 11:57:59 [stock level import]: 9 2024-09-05 15:16:08 [stock level import]: 9 2024-08-27 13:54:57 [stock level import]: 9 2024-08-13 14:46:59 [stock level import]: 9 2024-08-09 10:30:50 [stock level import]: 9 2024-07-31 10:10:00 [stock level import]: 9 2024-07-18 23:03:52 [stock level import]: 9 2024-07-07 20:57:25 [stock level import]: 9 2024-03-28 12:10:02 [stock level import]: 9 2024-03-18 19:34:50: -1 2024-03-17 10:10:02 [stock level import]: 9 2024-02-14 03:10:02 [stock level import]: 9 2024-02-07 00:10:02 [stock level import]: 9 2024-01-19 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 9 2024-01-13 17:37:00: -1 2023-12-27 17:28:42 [stock level import]: 9 2023-12-15 13:00:33: +1 2023-12-12 11:07:04 [stock level import]: 9 2023-11-10 11:07:24 [stock level import]: 9 2023-11-08 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 9 2023-10-30 16:45:14 [stock level import]: 12 2023-10-06 14:08:31 [stock level import]: 12 2023-09-27 12:31:29 [stock level import]: 13 2023-09-20 11:45:42 [stock level import]: 13 2023-09-05 12:50:38 [stock level import]: 13 2023-08-03 05:10:02 [stock level import]: 6 2023-08-01 04:10:02 [stock level import]: 6 2023-07-26 09:49:45 [stock level import]: 6 2023-06-28 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 6 2023-06-09 09:13:54 [stock level import]: 6 2023-05-26 12:45:58 [stock level import]: 6 2023-05-13 08:10:01 [stock level import]: 6 2023-04-28 12:12:59 [stock level import]: 6 2023-04-24 16:17:52 [stock level import]: 6 2023-04-14 21:10:02 [stock level import]: 6 2023-02-16 18:36:58 [stock level import]: 1 2023-02-01 18:11:47 [stock level import]: 1 2023-01-26 15:49:33 [stock level import]: 1 2023-01-24 17:04:19 [stock level import]: 1 2022-12-18 17:41:02 [stock level import]: 1 2022-11-04 19:54:54 [stock level import]: 1 2022-10-26 12:29:06 [stock level import]: 1 2022-10-06 16:10:02 [stock level import]: 1 2022-09-02 15:01:59 [stock level import]: 1 2022-08-23 10:08:21 [stock level import]: 1 2022-07-29 14:10:40 [stock level import]: 1 2022-07-21 19:10:02 [stock level import]: 1 2022-07-01 11:54:14 [stock level import]: 1 2022-06-07 15:41:45 [stock level import]: 1 [custom_product_message] => [gift_offered_in] => [is_sale_product] => 0 [characteristics] => Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 135 [variant_product_id] => 5826 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 135 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 50 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 50 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [price_id] => 35762 [price_currency_id] => 1 [price_product_id] => 5826 [price_value] => 51.23967 [price_min_quantity] => 0 [price_access] => all [price_site_id] => [price_users] => [price_start_date] => 0 [price_end_date] => 0 [price_value_with_tax] => 62 [taxes_added] => 1 [taxes] => Array ( [0000_00000003] => stdClass Object ( [taxation_id] => 3 [zone_namekey] => Array ( [0] => country_Czech_Republic_56 ) [category_namekey] => default_tax [tax_namekey] => DPH [taxation_published] => 1 [taxation_type] => [taxation_access] => all [taxation_cumulative] => 0 [taxation_post_code] => [taxation_date_start] => 0 [taxation_date_end] => 0 [taxation_internal_code] => [taxation_note] => [taxation_site_id] => [taxation_ordering] => 0 [tax_rate] => 0.21000 [zone_type] => country [tax_ratio] => 1 [tax_amount] => 10.76 [amount] => 51.24 ) ) ) ) [main_product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [main_product_quantity_layout] => [characteristics_text] => 50 m [variant_name] => [images] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2788 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 0 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2787 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-dark-3 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-dark-3.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 1 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2795 [file_name] => ms06_installed-on-mast [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => ms06_installed-on-mast.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 2 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) ) [variant_checked] => 1 [main] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 5798 [product_parent_id] => 0 [product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [product_description] =>
Review in RadCom 2020-09
Dieser Artikel unterliegt dem Copyright der Radio Society of Great Britain und wird mit deren freundlicher Genehmigung wiedergegeben.MASTRANT-S ist ein neues Produkt in der Kategorie Mastrant Classic. Es handelt sich um Mastrant-Q, das mit einem hochreflektierenden Band in der Hülle ausgestattet ist.
Mastrant-Q ist ein Abspannseil, das für Abspannungen im Hinblick auf ein maximales Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis optimiert wurde. Dieses ausgezeichnete Seil bietet sehr gute Festigkeit, geringe Dehnung, hohe UV- und Feuchtigkeitsbeständigkeit. Es hat ein geringes Gewicht, eine hohe Abriebfestigkeit, eine lange Lebensdauer und ist nicht leitend (keinerlei Auswirkungen auf Ihre Antenne). Außerdem hat es im Gegensatz zu Seilen aus Aramidfasern (Kevlar, Vectran, Technora, Twaron) eine Knotenfestigkeit von etwa 60 %.
Aufbau: Geflochtenes Seil mit gedrehten Adern
Kern: Polyester & Polypropylen, parallel angeordnete gedrehte Einlagen
Äußere Ummantelung: Polyester & reflektierendes BandWenn Ihr Interesse am Hobby wächst, werden Sie andere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für das überschüssige Seil finden, z.B. eine andere Antenne ausprobieren oder es an ein anderes Clubmitglied weitergeben? Einige von uns verwenden ihre überschüssigen Seile ständig und sind froh, sie zu haben - sie spleißen immer wieder Abschnitte zusammen :)
Wie wählt man ein geeignetes Seil aus? Siehe hier.
Eine Vergleichstabelle aller Seile finden Sie hier.
[product_quantity] => -1 [product_code] => MS06___ [product_published] => 1 [product_hit] => 22543 [product_created] => 1576847365 [product_sale_start] => 0 [product_sale_end] => 0 [product_delay_id] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 11 [product_type] => main [product_vendor_id] => 0 [product_manufacturer_id] => 0 [product_url] => [product_weight] => 0.000 [product_keywords] => [product_weight_unit] => g [product_modified] => 1730901942 [product_meta_description] => [product_dimension_unit] => mm [product_width] => 0.000 [product_length] => 0.000 [product_height] => 0.000 [product_max_per_order] => 0 [product_access] => all [product_group_after_purchase] => [product_min_per_order] => 0 [product_contact] => 0 [product_display_quantity_field] => 0 [product_last_seen_date] => 1741529859 [product_sales] => 129 [product_waitlist] => 0 [product_layout] => [product_average_score] => 0 [product_total_vote] => 0 [product_page_title] => [product_alias] => seil-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflektive [product_price_percentage] => 0.0000000 [product_msrp] => 0.0000000 [product_canonical] => /on-line-shop/product/5798-guyrope-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflective [product_warehouse_id] => 0 [product_quantity_layout] => [strength] => 730 [safe_working_load] => 220 [elongation] => 3.2 [weight_unit] => 29 [warranty] => 24 [delivery_time] => 80 [diameter] => 6.1 [related_to_variant] => ATH06;ADC06;APC06;AWC06;AHO08;ACC06;ASE06;ASHE08;ASHF06;ASHH10;ZCI01 [envelope_packaging] => 1 [product_sort_price] => 95.04132 [product_description_raw] => [product_description_type] => [product_option_method] => [product_condition] => [usa_product_link] => [shrot_product_name] => [short_product_name] => S [diameter_inch] => 1/4 [size_mm] => 6 [exclude_product_from_table_list] => 0 [remark] => gray, reflective [mall_stage] => live [mall_published] => 1 [mall_category] => ND431 [mall_product_quantity] => [mall_label] => [mall_product_name] => [mall_nd428_type] => [mall_rope_accessor_type] => [mall_protective_equipment] => [product_quantity_real] => 1025 [ks_box] => [ean] => [shopping_quantity_unit] => [product_quantity_real_log] => 2025-03-04 09:08:41 [stock level import]: 1025 2025-02-17 12:20:33 [stock level import]: 1027 2025-02-03 12:17:44 [stock level import]: 1027 2025-01-10 19:10:05: -10 2025-01-09 15:25:51 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-12-06 14:17:27 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-10-31 19:22:12 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-10-18 14:54:38 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-09-25 12:28:29 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-09-22 13:44:51: +1 2024-09-22 13:23:29: -1 2024-09-22 13:20:29: -1 2024-09-19 21:36:11 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-09-06 11:57:59 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-09-05 15:16:08 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-08-27 13:54:57 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-08-24 10:50:36: -1 2024-08-13 14:46:59 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-08-09 10:30:50 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-31 10:10:00 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-18 23:03:52 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-07 20:57:25 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-05-23 09:03:20 [stock level change]: 1023 -> [custom_product_message] => 0 [gift_offered_in] => [is_sale_product] => 0 [characteristics] => Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 1 [variant_product_id] => 5798 [ordering] => 1 [characteristic_id] => 1 [characteristic_parent_id] => 0 [characteristic_value] => Länge [m] [characteristic_alias] => variant_length [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 0 [characteristic_display_method] => dropdown [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 [default] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5798 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [values] => Array ( [12] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 12 [variant_product_id] => 5799 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 12 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 1 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 1 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [135] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 135 [variant_product_id] => 5826 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 135 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 50 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 50 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5800 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) ) ) ) [prices] => Array ( ) [main_product_name] => [main_product_quantity_layout] => [characteristics_text] => [variant_name] => [images] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2788 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 0 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2787 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-dark-3 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-dark-3.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 1 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2795 [file_name] => ms06_installed-on-mast [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => ms06_installed-on-mast.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 2 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) ) [variant_checked] => ) [badges] => ) [0100+5800] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 5800 [product_parent_id] => 5798 [product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive: 100 m [product_description] => [product_quantity] => -1 [product_code] => MS06100 [product_published] => 1 [product_hit] => 0 [product_created] => 1576848740 [product_sale_start] => 0 [product_sale_end] => 0 [product_delay_id] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 11 [product_type] => variant [product_vendor_id] => 0 [product_manufacturer_id] => 0 [product_url] => [product_weight] => 3100.000 [product_keywords] => [product_weight_unit] => g [product_modified] => 1716447800 [product_meta_description] => [product_dimension_unit] => mm [product_width] => 170.000 [product_length] => 170.000 [product_height] => 200.000 [product_max_per_order] => 0 [product_access] => all [product_group_after_purchase] => [product_min_per_order] => 0 [product_contact] => 0 [product_display_quantity_field] => 0 [product_last_seen_date] => 0 [product_sales] => 12 [product_waitlist] => 0 [product_layout] => [product_average_score] => 0 [product_total_vote] => 0 [product_page_title] => [product_alias] => seil-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflektive [product_price_percentage] => 0.0000000 [product_msrp] => 0.0000000 [product_canonical] => /on-line-shop/product/5798-guyrope-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflective [product_warehouse_id] => 0 [product_quantity_layout] => [strength] => [safe_working_load] => [elongation] => [weight_unit] => [warranty] => [delivery_time] => 80 [diameter] => [related_to_variant] => [envelope_packaging] => 1 [product_sort_price] => 95.04132 [product_description_raw] => [product_description_type] => [product_option_method] => [product_condition] => [usa_product_link] => [shrot_product_name] => [short_product_name] => [diameter_inch] => [size_mm] => [exclude_product_from_table_list] => 0 [remark] => [mall_stage] => live [mall_published] => 1 [mall_category] => ND431 [mall_product_quantity] => 15 [mall_label] => [mall_product_name] => [mall_nd428_type] => [mall_rope_accessor_type] => [mall_protective_equipment] => [product_quantity_real] => 16 [ks_box] => [ean] => [shopping_quantity_unit] => [product_quantity_real_log] => 2025-03-04 09:08:41 [stock level import]: 16 2025-02-17 12:20:33 [stock level import]: 17 2025-02-03 12:17:44 [stock level import]: 17 2025-01-09 15:25:51 [stock level import]: 17 2024-12-06 14:17:27 [stock level import]: 17 2024-10-31 19:22:12 [stock level import]: 17 2024-10-18 14:54:38 [stock level import]: 17 2024-09-25 12:28:29 [stock level import]: 17 2024-09-19 21:36:11 [stock level import]: 18 2024-09-06 11:57:59 [stock level import]: 18 2024-09-05 15:16:08 [stock level import]: 18 2024-08-27 13:54:57 [stock level import]: 17 2024-08-24 10:50:36: -1 2024-08-13 14:46:59 [stock level import]: 18 2024-08-09 10:30:50 [stock level import]: 18 2024-07-31 10:10:00 [stock level import]: 18 2024-07-18 23:03:52 [stock level import]: 18 2024-07-07 20:57:25 [stock level import]: 18 2024-04-24 15:05:59: +1 2024-04-23 15:23:35: -1 2024-03-28 12:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2024-03-17 10:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2024-02-14 03:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2024-02-07 00:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2024-01-19 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2023-12-27 17:28:42 [stock level import]: 18 2023-12-12 11:07:04 [stock level import]: 18 2023-11-10 11:07:24 [stock level import]: 18 2023-11-08 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 18 2023-10-30 16:45:14 [stock level import]: 23 2023-10-06 14:08:31 [stock level import]: 23 2023-09-27 12:31:29 [stock level import]: 25 2023-09-20 23:41:54: -1 2023-09-20 11:45:42 [stock level import]: 25 2023-09-05 12:50:38 [stock level import]: 25 2023-08-03 05:10:02 [stock level import]: 11 2023-08-01 04:10:02 [stock level import]: 11 2023-07-26 09:49:45 [stock level import]: 11 2023-06-28 20:10:02 [stock level import]: 11 2023-06-09 09:13:54 [stock level import]: 11 2023-05-26 12:45:58 [stock level import]: 11 2023-05-19 16:43:19: -1 2023-05-13 08:10:01 [stock level import]: 11 2023-04-28 12:12:59 [stock level import]: 11 2023-04-24 16:17:52 [stock level import]: 11 2023-04-14 21:10:02 [stock level import]: 11 2023-02-16 18:36:58 [stock level import]: 11 2023-02-01 18:11:47 [stock level import]: 11 2023-01-26 15:49:33 [stock level import]: 11 2023-01-24 17:04:19 [stock level import]: 11 2023-01-23 11:17:36: -2 2022-12-18 17:41:02 [stock level import]: 23 2022-11-04 19:54:54 [stock level import]: 24 2022-10-26 12:29:06 [stock level import]: 24 2022-10-06 16:10:02 [stock level import]: 24 2022-09-02 15:01:59 [stock level import]: 24 2022-08-23 10:08:21 [stock level import]: 24 2022-07-29 14:10:40 [stock level import]: 24 2022-07-21 19:10:02 [stock level import]: 4 2022-07-01 11:54:14 [stock level import]: 4 2022-06-07 15:41:45 [stock level import]: 4 2022-04-13 10:21:06: +1 2022-04-13 10:15:33: -1 [custom_product_message] => 0 [gift_offered_in] => [is_sale_product] => 0 [characteristics] => Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5800 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [price_id] => 35712 [price_currency_id] => 1 [price_product_id] => 5800 [price_value] => 102.47934 [price_min_quantity] => 0 [price_access] => all [price_site_id] => [price_users] => [price_start_date] => 0 [price_end_date] => 0 [price_value_with_tax] => 124 [taxes_added] => 1 [taxes] => Array ( [0000_00000003] => stdClass Object ( [taxation_id] => 3 [zone_namekey] => Array ( [0] => country_Czech_Republic_56 ) [category_namekey] => default_tax [tax_namekey] => DPH [taxation_published] => 1 [taxation_type] => [taxation_access] => all [taxation_cumulative] => 0 [taxation_post_code] => [taxation_date_start] => 0 [taxation_date_end] => 0 [taxation_internal_code] => [taxation_note] => [taxation_site_id] => [taxation_ordering] => 0 [tax_rate] => 0.21000 [zone_type] => country [tax_ratio] => 1 [tax_amount] => 21.52 [amount] => 102.48 ) ) ) ) [main_product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [main_product_quantity_layout] => [characteristics_text] => 100 m [variant_name] => [images] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2788 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 0 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2787 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-dark-3 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-dark-3.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 1 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2795 [file_name] => ms06_installed-on-mast [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => ms06_installed-on-mast.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 2 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) ) [variant_checked] => 1 [main] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 5798 [product_parent_id] => 0 [product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [product_description] =>
Review in RadCom 2020-09
Dieser Artikel unterliegt dem Copyright der Radio Society of Great Britain und wird mit deren freundlicher Genehmigung wiedergegeben.MASTRANT-S ist ein neues Produkt in der Kategorie Mastrant Classic. Es handelt sich um Mastrant-Q, das mit einem hochreflektierenden Band in der Hülle ausgestattet ist.
Mastrant-Q ist ein Abspannseil, das für Abspannungen im Hinblick auf ein maximales Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis optimiert wurde. Dieses ausgezeichnete Seil bietet sehr gute Festigkeit, geringe Dehnung, hohe UV- und Feuchtigkeitsbeständigkeit. Es hat ein geringes Gewicht, eine hohe Abriebfestigkeit, eine lange Lebensdauer und ist nicht leitend (keinerlei Auswirkungen auf Ihre Antenne). Außerdem hat es im Gegensatz zu Seilen aus Aramidfasern (Kevlar, Vectran, Technora, Twaron) eine Knotenfestigkeit von etwa 60 %.
Aufbau: Geflochtenes Seil mit gedrehten Adern
Kern: Polyester & Polypropylen, parallel angeordnete gedrehte Einlagen
Äußere Ummantelung: Polyester & reflektierendes BandWenn Ihr Interesse am Hobby wächst, werden Sie andere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für das überschüssige Seil finden, z.B. eine andere Antenne ausprobieren oder es an ein anderes Clubmitglied weitergeben? Einige von uns verwenden ihre überschüssigen Seile ständig und sind froh, sie zu haben - sie spleißen immer wieder Abschnitte zusammen :)
Wie wählt man ein geeignetes Seil aus? Siehe hier.
Eine Vergleichstabelle aller Seile finden Sie hier.
[product_quantity] => -1 [product_code] => MS06___ [product_published] => 1 [product_hit] => 22543 [product_created] => 1576847365 [product_sale_start] => 0 [product_sale_end] => 0 [product_delay_id] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 11 [product_type] => main [product_vendor_id] => 0 [product_manufacturer_id] => 0 [product_url] => [product_weight] => 0.000 [product_keywords] => [product_weight_unit] => g [product_modified] => 1730901942 [product_meta_description] => [product_dimension_unit] => mm [product_width] => 0.000 [product_length] => 0.000 [product_height] => 0.000 [product_max_per_order] => 0 [product_access] => all [product_group_after_purchase] => [product_min_per_order] => 0 [product_contact] => 0 [product_display_quantity_field] => 0 [product_last_seen_date] => 1741529859 [product_sales] => 129 [product_waitlist] => 0 [product_layout] => [product_average_score] => 0 [product_total_vote] => 0 [product_page_title] => [product_alias] => seil-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflektive [product_price_percentage] => 0.0000000 [product_msrp] => 0.0000000 [product_canonical] => /on-line-shop/product/5798-guyrope-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflective [product_warehouse_id] => 0 [product_quantity_layout] => [strength] => 730 [safe_working_load] => 220 [elongation] => 3.2 [weight_unit] => 29 [warranty] => 24 [delivery_time] => 80 [diameter] => 6.1 [related_to_variant] => ATH06;ADC06;APC06;AWC06;AHO08;ACC06;ASE06;ASHE08;ASHF06;ASHH10;ZCI01 [envelope_packaging] => 1 [product_sort_price] => 95.04132 [product_description_raw] => [product_description_type] => [product_option_method] => [product_condition] => [usa_product_link] => [shrot_product_name] => [short_product_name] => S [diameter_inch] => 1/4 [size_mm] => 6 [exclude_product_from_table_list] => 0 [remark] => gray, reflective [mall_stage] => live [mall_published] => 1 [mall_category] => ND431 [mall_product_quantity] => [mall_label] => [mall_product_name] => [mall_nd428_type] => [mall_rope_accessor_type] => [mall_protective_equipment] => [product_quantity_real] => 1025 [ks_box] => [ean] => [shopping_quantity_unit] => [product_quantity_real_log] => 2025-03-04 09:08:41 [stock level import]: 1025 2025-02-17 12:20:33 [stock level import]: 1027 2025-02-03 12:17:44 [stock level import]: 1027 2025-01-10 19:10:05: -10 2025-01-09 15:25:51 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-12-06 14:17:27 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-10-31 19:22:12 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-10-18 14:54:38 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-09-25 12:28:29 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-09-22 13:44:51: +1 2024-09-22 13:23:29: -1 2024-09-22 13:20:29: -1 2024-09-19 21:36:11 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-09-06 11:57:59 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-09-05 15:16:08 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-08-27 13:54:57 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-08-24 10:50:36: -1 2024-08-13 14:46:59 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-08-09 10:30:50 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-31 10:10:00 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-18 23:03:52 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-07 20:57:25 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-05-23 09:03:20 [stock level change]: 1023 -> [custom_product_message] => 0 [gift_offered_in] => [is_sale_product] => 0 [characteristics] => Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 1 [variant_product_id] => 5798 [ordering] => 1 [characteristic_id] => 1 [characteristic_parent_id] => 0 [characteristic_value] => Länge [m] [characteristic_alias] => variant_length [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 0 [characteristic_display_method] => dropdown [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 [default] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5798 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [values] => Array ( [12] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 12 [variant_product_id] => 5799 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 12 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 1 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 1 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [135] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 135 [variant_product_id] => 5826 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 135 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 50 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 50 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5800 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) ) ) ) [prices] => Array ( ) [main_product_name] => [main_product_quantity_layout] => [characteristics_text] => [variant_name] => [images] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2788 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 0 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2787 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-dark-3 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-dark-3.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 1 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2795 [file_name] => ms06_installed-on-mast [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => ms06_installed-on-mast.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 2 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) ) [variant_checked] => ) [badges] => ) ) [characteristics] => Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5800 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) ) [images] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2788 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 0 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2787 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-dark-3 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-dark-3.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 1 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2795 [file_name] => ms06_installed-on-mast [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => ms06_installed-on-mast.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 2 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [price_id] => 35712 [price_currency_id] => 1 [price_product_id] => 5800 [price_value] => 102.47934 [price_min_quantity] => 0 [price_access] => all [price_site_id] => [price_users] => [price_start_date] => 0 [price_end_date] => 0 [price_value_with_tax] => 124 [taxes_added] => 1 [taxes] => Array ( [0000_00000003] => stdClass Object ( [taxation_id] => 3 [zone_namekey] => Array ( [0] => country_Czech_Republic_56 ) [category_namekey] => default_tax [tax_namekey] => DPH [taxation_published] => 1 [taxation_type] => [taxation_access] => all [taxation_cumulative] => 0 [taxation_post_code] => [taxation_date_start] => 0 [taxation_date_end] => 0 [taxation_internal_code] => [taxation_note] => [taxation_site_id] => [taxation_ordering] => 0 [tax_rate] => 0.21000 [zone_type] => country [tax_ratio] => 1 [tax_amount] => 21.52 [amount] => 102.48 ) ) ) ) [main] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 5798 [product_parent_id] => 0 [product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [product_description] =>
Review in RadCom 2020-09
Dieser Artikel unterliegt dem Copyright der Radio Society of Great Britain und wird mit deren freundlicher Genehmigung wiedergegeben.MASTRANT-S ist ein neues Produkt in der Kategorie Mastrant Classic. Es handelt sich um Mastrant-Q, das mit einem hochreflektierenden Band in der Hülle ausgestattet ist.
Mastrant-Q ist ein Abspannseil, das für Abspannungen im Hinblick auf ein maximales Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis optimiert wurde. Dieses ausgezeichnete Seil bietet sehr gute Festigkeit, geringe Dehnung, hohe UV- und Feuchtigkeitsbeständigkeit. Es hat ein geringes Gewicht, eine hohe Abriebfestigkeit, eine lange Lebensdauer und ist nicht leitend (keinerlei Auswirkungen auf Ihre Antenne). Außerdem hat es im Gegensatz zu Seilen aus Aramidfasern (Kevlar, Vectran, Technora, Twaron) eine Knotenfestigkeit von etwa 60 %.
Aufbau: Geflochtenes Seil mit gedrehten Adern
Kern: Polyester & Polypropylen, parallel angeordnete gedrehte Einlagen
Äußere Ummantelung: Polyester & reflektierendes BandWenn Ihr Interesse am Hobby wächst, werden Sie andere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für das überschüssige Seil finden, z.B. eine andere Antenne ausprobieren oder es an ein anderes Clubmitglied weitergeben? Einige von uns verwenden ihre überschüssigen Seile ständig und sind froh, sie zu haben - sie spleißen immer wieder Abschnitte zusammen :)
Wie wählt man ein geeignetes Seil aus? Siehe hier.
Eine Vergleichstabelle aller Seile finden Sie hier.
[product_quantity] => -1 [product_code] => MS06___ [product_published] => 1 [product_hit] => 22543 [product_created] => 1576847365 [product_sale_start] => 0 [product_sale_end] => 0 [product_delay_id] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 11 [product_type] => main [product_vendor_id] => 0 [product_manufacturer_id] => 0 [product_url] => [product_weight] => 0.000 [product_keywords] => [product_weight_unit] => g [product_modified] => 1730901942 [product_meta_description] => [product_dimension_unit] => mm [product_width] => 0.000 [product_length] => 0.000 [product_height] => 0.000 [product_max_per_order] => 0 [product_access] => all [product_group_after_purchase] => [product_min_per_order] => 0 [product_contact] => 0 [product_display_quantity_field] => 0 [product_last_seen_date] => 1741529859 [product_sales] => 129 [product_waitlist] => 0 [product_layout] => [product_average_score] => 0 [product_total_vote] => 0 [product_page_title] => [product_alias] => seil-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflektive [product_price_percentage] => 0.0000000 [product_msrp] => 0.0000000 [product_canonical] => /on-line-shop/product/5798-guyrope-mastrant-s-6-mm-reflective [product_warehouse_id] => 0 [product_quantity_layout] => [strength] => 730 [safe_working_load] => 220 [elongation] => 3.2 [weight_unit] => 29 [warranty] => 24 [delivery_time] => 80 [diameter] => 6.1 [related_to_variant] => ATH06;ADC06;APC06;AWC06;AHO08;ACC06;ASE06;ASHE08;ASHF06;ASHH10;ZCI01 [envelope_packaging] => 1 [product_sort_price] => 95.04132 [product_description_raw] => [product_description_type] => [product_option_method] => [product_condition] => [usa_product_link] => [shrot_product_name] => [short_product_name] => S [diameter_inch] => 1/4 [size_mm] => 6 [exclude_product_from_table_list] => 0 [remark] => gray, reflective [mall_stage] => live [mall_published] => 1 [mall_category] => ND431 [mall_product_quantity] => [mall_label] => [mall_product_name] => [mall_nd428_type] => [mall_rope_accessor_type] => [mall_protective_equipment] => [product_quantity_real] => 1025 [ks_box] => [ean] => [shopping_quantity_unit] => [product_quantity_real_log] => 2025-03-04 09:08:41 [stock level import]: 1025 2025-02-17 12:20:33 [stock level import]: 1027 2025-02-03 12:17:44 [stock level import]: 1027 2025-01-10 19:10:05: -10 2025-01-09 15:25:51 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-12-06 14:17:27 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-10-31 19:22:12 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-10-18 14:54:38 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-09-25 12:28:29 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-09-22 13:44:51: +1 2024-09-22 13:23:29: -1 2024-09-22 13:20:29: -1 2024-09-19 21:36:11 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-09-06 11:57:59 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-09-05 15:16:08 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-08-27 13:54:57 [stock level import]: 1027 2024-08-24 10:50:36: -1 2024-08-13 14:46:59 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-08-09 10:30:50 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-31 10:10:00 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-18 23:03:52 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-07-07 20:57:25 [stock level import]: 1028 2024-05-23 09:03:20 [stock level change]: 1023 -> [custom_product_message] => 0 [gift_offered_in] => [is_sale_product] => 0 [characteristics] => Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 1 [variant_product_id] => 5798 [ordering] => 1 [characteristic_id] => 1 [characteristic_parent_id] => 0 [characteristic_value] => Länge [m] [characteristic_alias] => variant_length [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 0 [characteristic_display_method] => dropdown [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 [default] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5798 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [values] => Array ( [12] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 12 [variant_product_id] => 5799 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 12 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 1 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 1 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [135] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 135 [variant_product_id] => 5826 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 135 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 50 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 50 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [variant_characteristic_id] => 18 [variant_product_id] => 5800 [ordering] => 0 [characteristic_id] => 18 [characteristic_parent_id] => 1 [characteristic_value] => 100 m [characteristic_alias] => [characteristic_display_type] => [characteristic_params] => [characteristic_ordering] => 100 [characteristic_display_method] => [characteristic_values_on_listing] => 0 ) ) ) ) [prices] => Array ( ) [main_product_name] => [main_product_quantity_layout] => [characteristics_text] => [variant_name] => [images] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2788 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-orez_1347167687.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 0 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2787 [file_name] => m_reel_s06-dark-3 [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => m_reel_s06-dark-3.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 1 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [file_id] => 2795 [file_name] => ms06_installed-on-mast [file_description] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [file_path] => ms06_installed-on-mast.jpg [file_type] => product [file_ref_id] => 5798 [file_free_download] => 0 [file_ordering] => 2 [file_limit] => 0 [file_access] => all [file_time_limit] => 0 ) ) [variant_checked] => ) [main_product_name] => Seil Mastrant-S 6 mm - Reflektive [main_product_quantity_layout] => [characteristics_text] => 100 m [variant_name] => [variant_checked] => 1 [badges] => [displayed_price_microdata] => 1 )
Review in RadCom 2020-09
Dieser Artikel unterliegt dem Copyright der Radio Society of Great Britain und wird mit deren freundlicher Genehmigung wiedergegeben.
Größe [inch] | 1/4 |
Durchmesser [mm] | 6.1 |
Festigkeit [daN, ~kg] | 730 |
Sichere Arbeitslast [daN, ~kg] | 220 |
Gewicht [g/m] | 29 |
Dehnung (Arbeits) [%] | 3.2 |
Die Bestellung enthält Waren, die wir auf die von Ihnen gewünschte Länge zuschneiden, so dass Sie von Ihrem Rücktrittsrecht keinen Gebrauch machen können.
1/4 | |
6.1 | |
730 | |
220 | |
29 | |
3.2 |
1/4 | |
6.1 | |
730 | |
220 | |
29 | |
3.2 |
1/4 | |
6.1 | |
730 | |
220 | |
29 | |
3.2 |
Cassiopeia Consulting, a.s.
gesetzliche Adresse: Thamova 7/221
Praha 8, 186 00, Tschechische Republik
+420 731 951 559
+420 603 420 073